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Why I Chose Bridgeport For My Next Startup

by Michael Caldwell, marketplace entrepreneur After selling my previous business which was based in South Norwalk, Connecticut, I found myself ready to start anew and begin work on my next venture, an online marketplace for pet services . The thought of returning to the starting line was daunting, and in order to mentally part ways with my old business, I needed a new backdrop, a fresh new location to begin this next journey. Those that call Fairfield County home know well the bucolic towns dotting the coastline - from Greenwich to Darien to Westport and right on up. Sparkling streets, high end boutiques, fancy restaurants. One might reasonably ask me, why not choose one of these locations? Surely it would be lovely to hang your shingle in one of these storybook towns. Why not? The answer is easy. No, it's not just the high rent 🌝. It's that to me these towns represent success already achieved. These are the stomping grounds of those ready to enjoy the fruits of thei

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